according to a 1981 GAO report,
EEOC’s charge processing favored ‘business over the complainant’
in cases of [real] discrimination

7 min readMar 30, 2017


Timothy Golden Nov 26, 2015

U.S. Department of Justice,
wakie wakie
let’s go fishing!
on G-D’S web
for(e!): When Eleanor Holmes Norton assumed
the EEOC chairmanship in 1977,
she faced a horrendous backlog of more than 100,000 stalled cases.
She sought to ‘erase’ that backlog
through a system of swift charge processing, whereby
investigators were encouraged to settle claims
rather than conduct investigations [?]
to determine if discrimination had occurred.

This system undercut the EEOC`s law-enforcement mission by(e bye)
turning it into a claims-adjustment agency.
And according to a 1981 General Accounting Office report,
that process favored ‘business over the complainant’
in cases of [real] discrimination
chew! chew!
happy Thanksgiving!

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: MetLife Disability Claims Specialist
Katie Barry called me (t)HIS
Saturday 11/14/2015 at 10:35 am.
She said, “Mr. Golden, MetLife received
your questions and your credentials.”
She said, “MetLife knows you want to know
‘can Verizon accommodate your work restrictions?”
She said, “I called you on September 1, 2015.”
She said, “I told you that I reached out to Verizon.”
She said, “MetLife has yet to hear from Verizon.”
She said, “Mr. Golden, you can call me back
at 1–800–638–4228 ext.54899.”

U.S. Department of Justice,
remember (t)HIS:
U.S. Department of Justice,
On Friday, 11/6/2015 I wrote to MetLife Disability
USPS Tracking Number: EL 195535540 US

Dear Ms. Pencz,
On 8/26/2015 I wrote to MetLife Disability
USPS Tracking Number: EK 745518307 US
Q1: “can Verizon accommodate my work restrictions?”
Q2: “did Verizon ever forward to MetLife Disability
my NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s decision
which was filed on 3/28/2013?”
Fact: NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson wrote:
“claimant has an Associate Degree in Telecommunications”
“this degree qualifies claimant to do inside work and outside work
(as an indoor technician or as an outdoor technician)
with restrictions”
Q3: “did Verizon ever forward to MetLife Disability
Third Medical Opinion IME Dr. Aprin’s IME report
which was filed on 7/17/2014?”
Fact: TMO Independent Medical Examiner Dr. Aprin wrote:
“claimant could have returned to work with restrictions:
no carry ladder no climb ladder”
Q4: “has Verizon ever discussed with MetLife Disability staff
a reassignment for me?”
(i.e. the tone and mark gang is
a no carry ladder no climb ladder job
which may accommodate my work restrictions)
On 9/1/2015 MetLife Disability Claims Specialist
Katie Barry called me and left me a message:
she “reached out to Verizon.”
when Verizon gets back to her she will get back to me
On 9/8/2015 I wrote to MetLife via MetLife’s secure network:
Q1: “can Verizon accommodate my work restrictions?”
Q2: “…”
Q3: “…”
Q4: “…”
It’s now 11/6/2015!
I still have not ‘seen nor heard’ from MetLife Disability.
Q1: “can Verizon accommodate my work restrictions?”
Q2: “…”
Q3: “…”
Q4: “…”
I am enclosing:
1) NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s report
with his findings and decision which was filed on 3/28/2013
2) a copy of my Associate Degree
3) a copy of Verizon’s Certificate of Completion
Next Step Program
4) Third Medical Opinion IME Dr. Aprin’s report
with his findings and decision which was filed on 7/17/2014
5) a copy of my letter to MetLife Disability
attention: Amy Velez Claims Specialist
dated 8/26/2015
6) a copy of my communication to MetLife Disability
via MetLife’s Secure Network
dated 9/8/2015
7) a copy of Ms. Pencz’s letter
to me and NY EBSA investigator Jacell Moquete
dated 8/6/2014
Ms. Pencz writes:
“On July 28, 2014 Verizon employer, Edward Neuner, confirmed
that a restricted return to work could not be accommodated”
Fact1: Verizon did not engage me and my doctor Dr. Lippe
“in good faith” in the mandatory ADA interactive process
Fact2: Verizon did not offer me a reassignment
(i.e. to the tone and mark gang which is a
no carry ladder no climb ladder job)
to accommodate my work restrictions
Q: “did Verizon ever discuss with MetLife Disability staff
in 2010 or in 2011 or in 2012 or in 2013 or in 2014 or in 2015
a reassignment for me?”
If I do not hear back from you or MetLife Disability staff
in writing by 11/11/2015
I am going to file formal written complaints with:
1) EBSA (which has jurisdiction
over administrators of disability plans)
2) EEOC (which enforces
the Americans with Disabilities Act)
3) the Department of Justice
T im Golden

U.S. Department of Justice,
remember (t)HIS:
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: have not you ‘seen and heard’ me begging
1) my employer for a reasonable accommodation
(for 2 years!)
2) MetLife Disability for a reasonable accommodation
(for 2 years!)
3) the NY EEOC for a reasonable accommodation
(for 1 1/2 years!)
4) EEOC Director for a reasonable accommodation
(for 4 months!)
5) EEOC OIG for a reasonable accommodation
(for 1 1/2 months!)

U.S. Department of Justice,
remember (t)HIS:
EEOC Office of Inspector General 7:27 PM
Where’s your package?

Delivery Date: Jul 10, 2015
Status:Delivered (WASHINGTON, DC 20507)
View Details
This is in response to your correspondence
sent to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline.
Thank you for contacting the EEOC OIG Hotline.
Submitted on Thursday, October 15, 2015–19:27
Submitted by user:
When is the best time to contact? Any time
Do you wish anonymity? No
Last Name: Golden
First Name: Timothy
Subject Type: EEOC charge no. 520–2014–01691
Subject Organization District/Field/Area/Office:
Complaint Category: Fraud
Complaint Summary:
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: Section 2000e-5(b) charges the EEOC with
a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate.
(google it! vs bing it! )
Q: is the NY EEOC intentionally dismissing
disability discrimination complaint(s) and cases?
Fact1: On 11/2/2009 I suffered an on-duty work-accident with injuries
Fact2: On 3/28/2013 NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson classified me as having
Permanent Partial Disability (PPD);
for employer I could do inside work or outside work
(as an indoor technician or as an outdoor technician) with restrictions
Fact3: Verizon never engaged me and my doctor Dr. Lippe
“in good faith” in the mandatory ADA interactive process
Fact4: Verizon never (not once in 5 years) offered me
a reasonable accommodation (a reassignment) in writing
Fact5: Verizon did not get me (the 1st time)
my 2010 W2 until April 6, 2011; 3 months late!
(ADA violation and IRS violation prove no interactive process)
Fact6: Verizon did not get me (the 2nd time)
my 2012 W2 until April 19, 2013; 3 months late!
(ADA violation and IRS violation prove no interactive process)
On March 21, 2014 I filed a written disability discrimination complaint
against Verizon
with the NY EEOC
On or about May 9, 2014 Verizon received from the NY EEOC
my disability discrimination complaint(s)
On or about May 9, 2014 the NY EEOC requested a reasonable accommodation
for me
10. How quickly must an employer respond to a request for reasonable
An employer should respond expeditiously to a request for reasonable
If the employer and the individual with a disability need to engage in an
interactive process, this too should proceed as quickly as possible.(37)
Similarly, the employer should act promptly to provide the reasonable
accommodation. Unnecessary delays can result in a violation of the ADA.(38)
Fact: the EEOC has the authority to draw adverse inferences
against a party (a respondent)
for(e!) failing to comply with EEOC requests for information.
29 C.F.R. Section 1614.404(c).
Fact: On or about May 13, 2015 Verizon responded (in writing)
to the NY EEOC;
12 months! (369 days!) later
Q: did Verizon respond to the NY EEOC promptly
(within 2 weeks)?
Q: why didn’t Verizon respond promptly (within 2 weeks)?
Q: why did the NY EEOC let Verizon take its time
(12 months!) (369 days!) to respond?
On or about May 15, 2015 the NY EEOC notified me that
Verizon responded to my disability discrimination complaint(s)
The NY EEOC stated that I needed to respond
by May 29, 2015 (within 2 weeks!)
U.S. Department of Justice,
I responded to the NY EEOC with my 14th written communication
(which included my prior 13 written communications); 271 pages!
I followed THAT up with my 15th written communication; a 16 page fax
I followed THAT up with my 16th written communication; 100+ pages
U.S. Department of Justice,
On or about June 9, 2015 the NY EEOC investigator and director signed order
dismissing (denying me?)
my disability discrimination complaint(s) and case
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: EEOC investigator Young never interviewed me
or my witnesses
Fact: EEOC Enforcement Unit never interviewed me
or my witnesses
Fact: EEOC investigator Zygmund never interviewed me
or my witnesses
Fact: I wrote (overnighted 500+ pages) to(o) the NY EEOC 7 times!
signed by E. Nixon on 3/21/14
signed by E. Nixon on 4/22/14
signed by E. Nixon on 5/13/14
signed by E. Nixon on 7/9/14
signed by E. Nixon on 1/6/15
signed by E. Nixon on 5/28/15
signed by E. Nixon on 6/2/15
I got back and I am saving
all 7 signed green cards (USPS Form 3811)
Fact: I faxed man y pages to(o) the NY EEOC 10 times!
I got back and I am saving
each fax confirmation
Q: did the NY EEOC ever “amend” my disability discrimination complaint(s)?
Q: if nyet (no)
then why nyet (no)?
U.S. Department of Justice,
Investigate! the NY EEOC
1) misconduct and/or mismanagement
2) dereliction of duty
3) failing to “amend” my disability discrimination complaint(s)
4) failing to investigate my disability discrimination complaint(s)
“in good faith” (in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner)
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: The Philadelphia EEOC sued Verizon in 2011 for $20M
because the EEOC found that Verizon failed to offer its injured employees
reasonable accommodations
Fact: Verizon violated the EEOC’s 3-year decree with injunctions
Fact: My disability discrimination complaint(s) and case is similar
to the Jewel-Osco case which the Chicago EEOC successfully litigated
U.S. Department of Justice,
On July 10, 2015 I filed a written complaint with
Director, Office of Field Management
131 M Street, NE Washington, DC 20507

USPS Form 3811 EK745511241US

Fact: It’s Thursday, November 26, 2015 (happy Thanksgiving!)
Fact: I have been waiting 4(e!) months and 16 days!
for EEOC Director to(o)
write ‘me back’
Fact: I have been waiting 2 months and 3 days!
for EEOC OIG to(o)
write ‘me back’
Q: is anyone home?

ho ho ho



God is not mocked




Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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