4 min readDec 3, 2021

Biden said he gave Golda Meir advice during the Six-Day War vs Golda Meir spanked Biden on the eve of the Yom Kippur War

Dear NY FBI, Golda Meir saw Biden as immature, inexperienced, and naïve, right?



Dear NY FBI, maybe if Biden didn’t dodge Vietnam because of asthma and maybe if Biden didn’t dodge marching with Dr. King because of __________, Golda Meir would not have seen Biden as immature, inexperienced, and naïve, right?

I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter (duh!)

Attention: NY EEOC District Director Judy Keenan, NY EEOC supervisor Perry Canales called me on Dec 10, 2020 and hung up.
I called NY EEOC supervisor Perry Canales right back and left him a long message, summarizing my 2 written and signed

Dear NY FBI, I fed NY EEOC District Director Judy Keenan and investigator Vani Rajkumar God’s Mail:
Through DISCOVERY, EEOC can find out:

NY EEOC reviews (as of 10/11/2021)
chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail] and do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)] before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man and woman (dolls) down!”

I fed “I know my FATHER better than I know my father” to my doctor Dr Lippe (in 2010)
I fed “I know my FATHER better than I know my father” to NY FBI (in 2011)

if the world’s smartest computers could vote would they vote
or would they take a knee [HE HE HE]?

Q: why are Watson and Summit dumb to(o) EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate, NY FBI?

JESUS spanking goliath (goivernment) site:medium.com at DuckDuckGo


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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