China reveals its (terrifying?) military vs Look out below!
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!
bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!
bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!
Q: what have y’all [all so-called religious people] said and written and done for G-D! (lately?) (ever?)
y’all [all so-called religious people] better start righting before G-D says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”