3 min readAug 7, 2018

Dear psychiatry, are T el egraphy and T el epathy from man or from God?

Dear psychiatry, are God’s Ten Commandments the Thoughts of Moses or God?

1111 days ago

ho ho ho

Tim Golden:

U.S. Department of Justice? (Scooby Do!o),
where are you?
(up a tree?)
let’s go fishing!
on G-D’S web
for(e!): the world’s first stock exchange
(google it! vs bing it!)
Q: what did you ‘catch and reel in’?
let’s go fishing! (again)
on G-D’S web
for(e!): the world’s first electronic stock exchange
(google it! vs bing it!)
Q: what did you ‘catch and reel in’?
Q: who was G-D’S first exchange
Q: who was G-D’S first electronic exchange

chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]


Tim Golden3 years ago

G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
part I stop sinning (behave!)(stop being a dumb-he!)
part II start saving (act!)(start being a smart-he!)
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (tunc)
part I cease to do evil
part II learn to do well
ho ho ho
bro(t)her! G-D knows who’s naughty and who’s nice


Tim Golden3 years ago

bro(t)her! if you tell us THAT (you love G-D)
then show us THAT
‘tell and show’
bro(t)her! if you tell us THAT (you love G-D)
then show us THAT
1) by(e) you keeping HIS Commandments (behave!)
2) by(e) you righting wrongs (act!)


Tim Golden3 years ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
man has proved (over time) that man can train dogs
and cats and birds and horses and elephants and pigs
(those animals outside man)
bro(t)her! now (nunc) prove (to GOD and All His Angels) THAT you
(wee spirit) can train man
(the animal you are in)


Tim Golden3 years ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: are not we(e spirits) all recorders?
Q2: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every move we(e spirits) make?
Q3: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every dumb (dopey?) word we(e spirits) spake?
Q4: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every brother/sister we(e spirits) forsake?
Q5: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every thing we(e spirits) take and/or break?


5 = God’s Hand


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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