19 min readOct 14, 2018

Q: shouldn’t SNL spoof all IME doctors who don’t obey
the ‘Standard for Independent Medical Examinations’?
since 2007,
there’s a ‘Standard for Independent Medical Examinations’
U.S. Department of Justice,
hark! maybe SNL should spoof all employers + carriers +
administrators of disability plans + IME doctors who don’t obey
the ‘Standard for Independent Medical Examinations’
U.S. Department of Justice,
I (knocked) wrote to(o) NYS WCB chair Beloten 5 times!
(5 = a hand);
NYS WCB chair Beloten never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad)
I gave (ho ho ho) to(o) NYS WCB chair Beloten for free:
1) the universal IME form with carbon copy (no more 2–5 minute phony IMEs)
2) the NYS WC Claimants’ BILL of RIGHTS
3) the NYS WC Claimants’ Handbook
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: if employers get a NYS WCB Employers’ Handbook
then to be fair (ethical)
should not all claimanTs get T’s ‘3 Goodies’?


[what’s up DOC]

How to Write Winning Reports — A Workshop — Aimehi.com


Presented this workshop at the Outrigger Canoe Club for AIMEHI members on August 1, 2003. What follows is the official description, but the course in Hawaii …



IME Moriarty wrote in his IME report about me [HE HE HE]:
1) claimanT is bizarre (that’s libel!

U.S. Department of Justice,
remember what orthopedic IME Moriarty wrote in his IME report about me:
1) claimant is bizarre (that’s libel! coming from the mouth or pen
of a non-psychiatrist/non-psychologist)
2) claimant carried numerous religious books into my office
(that’s not true!)
Q: does not numerous mean too many to count?
I carried ‘just’ 3 books into his office?
A) Great Jewish Women
B) Great Rabbis
C) The Torah

3) I saw claimant reading The Torah with a magnifying glass
(that’s true!)

4) do not resend claimant. He frightened me and my office staff
(that hurts!
remember: do no harm )
U.S. Department of Justice? (Scooby Do!o),
where are you?
(up a tree?)
1) request orthopedic IME Moriarty’s 2 IME reports about me
2) ‘see’ (for yourselves) the libel and the inaccuracies
3) question the NYS WCB
and the NYS WCB chair
and the NYS WCB general counsel
and the NYS WCB Fraud Inspector General:
Q: what are you doing to combat IME doctor libel and IME doctor fraud
(2–5 minute phony IMEs)

TimboGolden OCTOBER 25, 2016 AT 8:25 AM

U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: do you ‘see’ anything wrong with one person ‘having and holding’ 3 Inspector General jobs?
Catherine Leahy Scott has been appointed
1) Workers’ Compensation Fraud Inspector General,
2) Acting Welfare Inspector General
3) New York State Inspector General, to which she was recently reappointed.
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: do you ‘see’ anything wrong with one person ‘having and holding’ 3 Inspector General jobs?
Q2: does she receive 3 Inspector General salaries?
Q3: don’t we Taxpayers! (who are also complainanTs) deserve better = 3 individuals?
Q4: couldn’t NYS governor + NYS senate find 3 [ethical + competent] individuals?
Q5: don’t NYS governor + NYS senate know 3 [ethical + competent] individuals?
5 = a hand
Trust but Verify


Timothy Golden Oct 28, 2015

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: can’t you ‘see and hear’ THAT I am T eeing off
for G-D!

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: are you G-D’S lifeguard?
A: you are! if you (wee spirit “in man”) are just like JESUS
or in other words
A: you are! if you are willing to rush in
when you see or hear “spirits! are drowning in sin”
or in other words
A: you are! if you are willing to right wrongs for G-D!
or in other words
A: you are! if you are willing to write songs for G-D!
or in other words
A: you are! if you are willing to deliver G-D’S Mail

T and T
bro(t)her! do you ‘see and hear’ yourself here behaving more and more like a caveman
or a
bro(t)her! do you ‘see and hear’ yourself here behaving more and more like a monkey
or a
bro(t)her! do you ‘see and hear’ yourself here behaving more and more like a savage
or a
bro(t)her! do you ‘see and hear’ yourself here behaving more and more like a judas
or a

T and T
FATHER! let me [HE HE HE] wash all YOUR naughty children’s dirty minds out with YOUR Words (YOUR Celestial Soap!)

T and T
Muhammad, who died of natural causes, did not leave a will.
bro(t)her! before you lose “that skin!” you are in
make sure you leave your children a carbon copy of G-D’S Will

T and T
bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!

T and T
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB 2001 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2002 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2003 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2004 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2005 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2006 Annual Report
U.S. Department of Justice,
how many Indian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many African-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Asian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Latin-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Native-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many ME-American women and men do you see in reports?
someone call the cops!
(someone call the Chicago EEOC! and the Philadelphia EEOC!)

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB commissioner bios
(google it! ask it! aol it! yahoo it! bing it!)
U.S. Department of Justice,
when you delivered the FDNY the news “hire! all people
(not just friends and family)”
did you (DOJ) go down the FDNY’s chimney?
did you (DOJ) kick the FDNY’s door down?
chew! chew!

T and T
bro(t)her! don’t hate cavemen; help G-D to(o) educate cavemen

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
I don’t have a billion bucks but
I do have Lily’s Law: 21 to buy laxatives
U.S. Department of Justice,
I don’t have a million bucks but
I do have G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
U.S. Department of Justice,
I don’t have (can’t afford) a shiny new car but
I do have G-D’S BACK! do you?

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice? (Scooby Do!o),
where are you?
(up a tree?)
Investigate! the SEC
so(w!) THAT you can
Educate! the SEC
the SEC should’ve known better:
Ms. Katz at the SEC called me in 2013 and said, “Mr. Golden
(Mr. Golden Mr. Golden)
1) we (the SEC) can’t help you.
2) Brian Burke no longer works in this office;
he transferred out.
3) we (the SEC) are not a law enforcement agency.”
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: what Ms. Katz said to me in 2013 was untrue.
1) the SEC could’ve and should’ve helped me
(a taxpayer/a victim/a complainant)
because the SEC is a law enforcement agency! (that’s their words!
I found while fishing on G-D’S web in their mission statement )
2) I filed a formal complaint against Nexia Holdings (pull my
SEC file)
with 3 different SEC offices in 2008; all 3 wrote ‘me back’.
I got back and I am saving all signed letters.
After I wrote to(o) the NY FBI in 2011 Brian Burke from the SEC?
called me and said, “Mr. Golden we (the SEC?) are going to get
‘you back’
your money ($180,000).
I wrote to(o) the SEC in 2013, (Dear SEC,… “where’s my money?”).
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: why would Brian Burke from the SEC? call me (out
of ‘know where’)
and tell me, “Mr. Golden we (the SEC) are going to get ‘you back’
your money ($180,000)?
Q2: who told Brian Burke from the SEC? to call me in 2011?
Q3: why did it take 3 different SEC offices 2 1/2 years to call
‘me back’?
Q4: it’s 2015 (7 years later) where’s my money ($180,000)?
Q5: why did Ms. Katz from the SEC call me in 2013 and say,
1) “Mr. Golden we (the SEC) can’t help you.
2) “(Mr. Golden) Brian Burke no longer works here…
3) “(Mr. Golden) we (the SEC) are not a law enforcement agency.”
5 = a hand

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
come out, come out, wherever you are
I want to give you (feed you) man y examples of Law Enforcement Officers? being both
‘ineffective and inefficient’ (naughty naughty) with my (and your) tax dollars
‘take and eat’ (t)HIS:
Fact1: On 11/2/2009 I suffered an on-duty work-accident with injuries
Fact2: On 3/28/2013 NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson classified me as having
Permanent Partial Disability;
for employer I could do inside work or outside work
(as an inside technician or as an outside technician) with restrictions
Fact3: [you know who] never engaged me and my doctor Dr. Lippe
“in good faith” in the mandatory ADA interactive process
Fact4: [you know who] never (not once in 5 years) offered me
a reasonable accommodation (a reassignment) in writing
Fact5: [you know who] did not get me (the 1st time)
my 2010 W2 until April 6, 2011; 3 months late!
(ADA violation and IRS violation prove no interactive process)
Fact6: [you know who] did not get me (the 2nd time)
my 2012 W2 until April 19, 2013; 3 months late!
(ADA violation and IRS violation prove no interactive process)
On March 21, 2014 I filed a written disability discrimination complaint
[against you know who] with the NY EEOC
On or about May 9, 2014 [you know who] received from the NY EEOC
my disability discrimination complaint(s):
On or about May 13, 2015 [you know who] responded (in writing) to the NY EEOC;
12 months! (369 days!) later
Q: did [you know who] respond to the NY EEOC promptly (within 2 weeks)?
Q: why didn’t [you know who] respond promptly (within 2 weeks)?
Q: why did the NY EEOC let [you know who] take its time (12 months!)
(369 days!) to respond?
On or about May 15, 2015 the NY EEOC notified me that [you know who ] responded
to my disability discrimination complaint(s)
The NY EEOC stated that I needed to respond by May 29, 2015 (within 2 weeks!)
U.S. Department of Justice,
I responded to the NY EEOC with my 14th written communication
(which included my prior 13 written communications); 271 pages!
I followed THAT up with my 15th written communication; a 16 page fax
I followed THAT up with my 16th written communication; 100+ pages
U.S. Department of Justice,
On or about June 9, 2015 the NY EEOC investigator and director signed order dismissing (denying me?)
my disability discrimination complaint(s) and case
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: EEOC investigator Young never interviewed me
or my witnesses
Fact: EEOC Enforcement Unit never interviewed me
or my witnesses
Fact: EEOC investigator Zygmund never interviewed me
or my witnesses
Fact: I wrote (overnighted 500+ pages) to(o) the NY EEOC 7 times!
signed by E. Nixon on 3/21/14
signed by E. Nixon on 4/22/14
signed by E. Nixon on 5/13/14
signed by E. Nixon on 7/9/14
signed by E. Nixon on 1/6/15
signed by E. Nixon on 5/28/15
signed by E. Nixon on 6/2/15

I got back and I am saving
all 7 signed green cards (USPS Form 3811)
Fact: I faxed man y pages to(o) the NY EEOC 10 times!
I got back and I am saving
each fax confirmation
Q: did the NY EEOC ever “amend” my disability discrimination complaint(s)?
Q: if nyet (no)
then why nyet (no)?
U.S. Department of Justice,
Investigate! the NY EEOC
1) misconduct and/or mismanagement
2) dereliction of duty
3) throwing out G-D’S Mail (as if T rash?)
4) failing to “amend” my disability discrimination complaint(s)
5) failing to investigate my disability discrimination complaint(s)
in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner

chew! chew!

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I gave (t)HIS poem:
a rabbi said to me, “are you a Jew?” so I said,
“I am! a Jewel of (t)HE MOST HIGH”
“we(e spirits) are all Jewels of (t)HE MOST HIGH”
“we(e Jewels) will all be graded”

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I (knocked) wrote to(o) the NY FBI 2 times! (in 2011);
the NY FBI never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad and how silly to(o)
not open)
Fact: I got back and I am saving
both signed green cards (USPS Form 3811)
Q: who was in charge of the NY FBI then (tunc)?
A: Janice Fedarcyk
Q: did not Janice Fedarcyk work closely with Loretta Lynch?
A: si! (I got THAT today (yea!) from Loretta Lynch hearing)
Q: did those women ‘see’ the 50 (five o) poems!
I delivered for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women ‘hear’ about the 50 (five o) poems!
I delivered for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women ‘see’ my written complaint(s)
I mailed for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women ‘hear’ about my written complaint(s)
I mailed for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women “investigate! IME doctor fraud”?
Q: did the NY FBI ‘take and pass’ G-D’S Mail around?
Q: did the NY FBI throw out (discard)(abort) G-D’S Mail?
Q: where is G-D’S Mail right now (nunc)?
Q: is the NY FBI a modern day Jonah?
Q: does not every single law enforcement agency have a duty to(o)
the American taxpayer/complainant/victim/claimant to(o)
1) accept complaint (IME doctor fraud! and IME doctor libel!)
2) investigate complaint (IME doctor fraud! and IME doctor libel!)
3) communicate with complainant (moi et toi)
4) resolve complaint in a (t)imely manner (180 days or less)
U.S. Department of Justice,
please answer (t)HIS questions
Q: what’s FOIA?
Expand Replies (2)

T and T
Q. What can I do if I believe that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has not properly investigated my charge of discrimination?
A. If you believe that the EEOC did not properly investigate your charge,
you may wish to contact the following office:
Director, Office of Field Management Programs
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
131 M Street, NE
Washington, DC 20507
B. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline is a clearinghouse
for receiving and handling allegations regarding
fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or misconduct affecting
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) programs and operations.
Without sufficient information we may be unable to act on your allegation.
The more information you can provide, the better the chance we have of determining whether any wrongdoing has been committed.
We are very interested in the information you have regarding
waste, fraud, abuse, mismanagement, or misconduct in EEOC programs.

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
Congress commanded that the Commission “shall
make an investigation.”
42 u.s.c. § 2000e-5(b). Had Congress intended to allow discretion,
it would have used a permissive term like “may.”

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
section 2000e-5(b) charges the NY EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate.

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: is the NY EEOC investigating all disability discrimination complaints
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner?

T and T
U.S. Department of Justice,
remember what orthopedic IME Moriarty wrote in his IME report about me:
1) claimant is bizarre (that’s libel! coming from the mouth or pen
of a non-psychiatrist/non-psychologist)
2) claimant carried numerous religious books into my office (that’s not true!)
Q: does not numerous mean too many to count?
I carried ‘just’ 3 books into his office?
A) Great Jewish Women
B) Great Rabbis
C) The Torah
3) I saw claimant reading The Torah with a magnifying glass (that’s true!)

4) do not resend claimant. He frightened me and my office staff (that hurts!
remember: do no harm )
U.S. Department of Justice? (Scooby Do!o),
where are you?
(up a tree?)
1) request orthopedic IME Moriarty’s 2 IME reports about me
2) ‘see’ (for yourselves) the libel and the inaccuracies
3) question the NYS WCB + NYS WCB chair + NYS WC Fraud Inspector General:
Q: what are you doing to combat IME doctor libel and IME doctor fraud
(2–5 minute phony IMEs)

God is myth? Texas school apologizes after teacher calls faith an opinion



doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?

Dear ABA, if 51% of Touro Law Center students failed the July bar exam
then why are 8 non-attorneys (Governor Cuomo appointed) examining and rescinding NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?



I (knocked) wrote to(o) NYS WCB chair Beloten 5 Times!

I (knocked) wrote to(o) NYS WCB chair Beloten 5 Times!
he never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad and how silly)

















TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
On 9/6/2013 NYS WCB commissioner(s) Munnelly + (2 non-attorneys)
Williams and Higgins ‘reviewed (examined) and rescinded’
my NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s decision.
My attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman appealed and requested
a Full Board Review (FBR).
On 11/25/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten solely denied me
a Full Board Review.
On 12/12/2013 the Third Judicial Department decided that
“only a three member panel can deny a Full Board Review”
(see Scalo v. Perry & Sons)
On 12/27/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten got 2 subordinates (Libous and Munnelly) to sign order denying me
a Full Board Review (FBR).
Q1: was not Munnelly NYS WCB general counsel and NYS WCB ethics officer?
Q2: how much time did each person (he/she) spend ‘reviewing’ (examining)
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q3: did Libous sign order denying me a Full Board Review
while in Florida or while in New York?
Q4: is not Libous a nurse?
why is a nurse ‘reviewing’ (examining) a NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q5: if Munnelly + 2 non-attorneys ‘reviewed (examined) and rescinded
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision in September 2013
then why o why is Munnelly again being asked by his boss to deny me
a Full Board Review?
Trust but Verify
NYS WCB commissioner bios
(google it! bing it! ask it! aol it! yahoo it! info it! wow it! dogpile it!)

TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
I wrote to NYS WCB chair Beloten 5 times! about IME doctor fraud;
NYS WCB chair Beloten never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad).
A guy Garcia called me (from 518-xxx-xxxx) and said, “Mr. Golden,
what can we (The Board?) do about it?”
I said, “I gave your boss:
1) the universal IME form with carbon copy
(no more 2 minute phony Independent Medical Examinations)
2) the NYS WC Claimants’ BILL of RIGHTS.”
I said, “I wrote to your boss 5 times! (‘I got back and I am saving’
those 5 green cards USPS Form 3811s) and told him to give it to the FBI.”
Garcia said, “we don’t want them involved.”
On that day, I wrote to the FBI.
The New York Times blew the whistle on IME doctor fraud in 2009:
“Exams of Injured Workers Fuel Mutual Mistrust”
Since 2007, there’s a ‘Standard for Independent Medical Examinations’.
(google it! or bing it! or wow it!)
U.S. Department of Justice,
If employers get (here sweet·heart have) a NYS WCB Employers’ Handbook
then should not all claimanTs get a NYS WC Claimants’ Handbook

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! don’t ever be afraid to(o) deliver G-D’S Mail

TimGolden3 years ago
to all U.S. legislators,
if you want (desire) to help millions of girls and women
now and in the future
then make law!
Lily’s Law: 21 to buy laxatives; keep laxatives behind counter
so(w!) THAT
kids don’t steal laxatives!
laxatives are addictive and do cause serious internal injuries
to all U.S. legislators,
don’t tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
if you are unwilling to show us THAT
‘tell and show’
to all U.S. legislators,
if you tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
then you show us THAT
by(e bye) you doing your best to(o) make Lily’s Law law

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! let’s pray (yea!)
for the EEOC and OSHA to(o)
go global!

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!

TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB commissioner bios
(google it! ask it! aol it! yahoo it! bing it! info it! wow it! dogpile it!)
eat! eat!
U.S. Department of Justice,
when you delivered the FDNY the news “hire! all people
(not just friends and family)”
did you (DOJ) go down the FDNY’s chimney?
did you (DOJ) kick the FDNY’s door down?

TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB 2001 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2006 Annual Report
eat! eat!
U.S. Department of Justice,
how many Indian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many African-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Asian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Latin-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Native-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many ME-American women and men do you see in reports?
someone call the cops!
(someone call the EEOC!)

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! don’t hate cavemen; help G-D to(o) educate cavemen

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) fame nor to(o) fortune
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) power nor to(o) praise
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) booze nor to(o) (Imelda’s silver) shoes
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) pills nor to(o) terrestrial thrills
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) the sun nor to(o) a teeny tiny gun
bro(t)her! these terrestrial things are your doll’s dolls
Q: bro(t)her! what’s your doll?
A: “that man!”s skin you (wee spirit) are in
bro(t)her! cling to G-D

TimGolden3 years ago
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
part I stop sinning (behave!)(stop being a dumb-he!)
part II start saving (act!)(start being a smart-he!)
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (tunc)
part I cease to do evil
part II learn to do well
ho ho ho
bro(t)her! G-D knows who’s naughty and who’s nice



FATHER! (t)HIS is Too FUN ny



y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] better start righting before G-D says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

No responses yet