8 min readNov 22, 2018

did Google scrub JESUS’ Mother Mary’s feat from God’s web? DuckDuckGo vs Goliath I mean Google

Q: did y’all [NY FBI] feed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loretta_Lynch and President Obama and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Holder (oh! my) God’s Mail?

U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?
A: I fed NY FBI (in 2011) (t)HIS poem:
1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer and then really suffer
when it was time to give birth to JESUS’ Mother
2) JESUS’ Mother Mary had to suffer and then really suffer
when it was time to give birth to JESUS
eat! eat!
mangia mangia
comer comer
mange mange
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ешь ешь
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Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?

U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?A: I fed NY FBI (in 2011) (t)HIS poem: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer and then really suffer


Q: before JESUS could do what HE did what had to happen first?

before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? — Google Search Jesus’tumultuous last days in Jerusalem and the actual historical evidence of the crucifixion. …


what had to happen first before JESUS could do what JESUS did?

U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?A: I fed NY FBI (in 2011) (t)HIS poem: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer and then really suffer


before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first …

U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?


Q: does not “I am my sister’s keeper” + EEOC case dumping …

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: I fed NY FBI (in 2011) (t)HIS poem: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer and then really suffer when it was time to give …


did Google scrub JESUS’ Mother Mary’s feat from God’s web?

before jesus could do what jesus did what had to happen first? — Google Search Because Jesusalso is human, he can be called the Son of God and the Son of Man. …


Q: is under-staffing EEOC pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST?

TimboGolden Nov 4, 2016. Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?


In FY 1980, OSHA’s staffing level was 2,950 (Hip hip hooray …

TimboGolden Nov 4, 2016. Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?


Q: are geniuses really geniuses if geniuses voted for(e!)

Dear former Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Q1: do you know how man y geniuses voted for Trump or Clinton? Q2: have you ever read God’s Mail: to captain America you don’t have to ‘take and pass …



Q: what race does God love the most? — T imGolden, January 2 …

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: to the NY FBI in 2011 I passed (t)HIS note: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month and then really suffer


TimGolden • 4 minutes ago Hold on, this is waiting to be …

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: I fed NY FBI (in 2011) (t)HIS poem: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer and then really suffer when it was time to give …


63% of EEOC’s workforce is female. ( Hip hip hooray )

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?


I wrote to Nassau County Executive Mangano (2 Times!)

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I passed (t)HIS note: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother had to suffer each month and then really suffer


only after I sign in to Google+ and then Google Chrome: EEOC

U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I passed (t)HIS note: 1 JESUS’ Grandmother had to suffer each month and …


I fed EEOC Hawaii (Poke Poke) God’s Mail — TimGolden — Medium

U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I passed (t)HIS note: 1 JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month …


my mother worked for the FBI. — Medium

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I passed (t)HIS note: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month and then really suffer


I just want to do God’s will — Dr. King — TimboGolden — Medium

Fact3: before I gave (ho ho ho) 50 (five o) poems! to the NY FBI (in 2011) I gave (ho ho ho) 50 (five o) poems! to CWA 1104 Ed Richardson Fact4: I gave (ho ho ho) a one page poem (about Dr. King …


JESUS spanking goliath (government) 12 — TimGolden — Medium

TimboGolden — Medium U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS didwhat had to happen first? A: I fed NY FBI (in 2011…medium.com


Q: what race does God love the most? (DuckDuckGo vs Google)

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: to the NY FBI in 2011 I passed (t)HIS note: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month and then really suffer


Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and …

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I passed (t)HIS note: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother had to suffer each month and then really suffer


DuckDuckGo spanked Google! DuckDuckGo spanked Google!

before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? — Google Search Jesus’tumultuous last days in Jerusalem and the actual historical evidence of the crucifixion. …


AEsop, the oldest Greek fabulist, was a slave, until God set …

A: so(w!) THAT AEsop could Teach others what God Taught him U.S. Department of Justice, Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago), “if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then …


Fact1: I own a JET (not any old jet) an April 18, 1968 JET

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I fed (t)HIS poem: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month and then really suffer


Q: was Reagan or Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump qualified …

TimboGolden Nov 4, 2016. Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?


Q: should God pardon y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]?

Two technology heavyweights lent their names to a campaign announced today in New York to ask President Barack Obama to…www.foxnews.com TimboGolden Oct 5, 2016 U.S. Department of Justice, Q: are …


Q: what race does God love the most? — TimboGolden — Medium

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? A: to the NY FBI in 2011 I passed (t)HIS note: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month and then really suffer


“It’s High Noon!” and “It’s T Time!” — TimGolden — Medium

Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first? U.S. Department of Justice, Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?


Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen…

…give birth to JESUS’ Mother 2) JESUS’ Mother Mary had to suffer each month and then really suffer when it was time to give birth to JESUS p.s. eat! eat G-D’S web for(e!): The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (google it! vs google chrome it!) Q: did you ‘catch and reel in’ (t)HIS: Article 18.


before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?

A: I fed NY FBI (in 2011) (t)HIS poem: 1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer and then really suffer when it was time to give birth to JESUS’ Mother 2) JESUS’ Mother Mary had to suffer and then really suffer when it was By clapping more or less, you can signal to us which stories really stand out.



better be better next time Goliath I mean Google


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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