DoJustice! what is “racial nepotism”? hinT: — Timothy Golden3 years ago

4 min readDec 8, 2018



in other words

Timothy Golden3 years ago


Timothy Golden3 years ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB 2001 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2006 Annual Report
eat! eat!
U.S. Department of Justice,
how many Indian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many African-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Asian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Latin-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Native-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many ME-American women and men do you see in reports?
someone call the cops!
(someone call the EEOC!)


if Rep. Ronald V. Dellums was here Today wouldn’t he say to y’all, “DoJustice! isn’t Trump’s administration too old and too white?”'s%20Administration%20is%20too%20old%20and%20too%20white&f=false

DoJustice! investigate ‘racial nepotism’ before God says, “spirits!
put your man (pencils) down!”

DoJustice! if I can see “racial nepotism” then can’t God?

Timothy Golden — Google+ 2 years ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: in photo number 13, I see 28 men but only 8 women

Q: how many African-American women and men were invited?
Q: how many Asian-American women and men were invited?
Q: how many Native-American women and men were invited?
Q: how many Latin-American women and men were invited?
Q: how many Indian-American women and men were invited?
Q: how many ME-American women and men were invited?


Q: what is “racial nepotism”?


Timothy Golden3 years ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB 2001 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2006 Annual Report
eat! eat!
U.S. Department of Justice,
how many Indian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many African-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Asian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Latin-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Native-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Middle Eastern-American women and men do you see in reports?
someone call the cops!
(someone call the EEOC!)










y’all [all so-called fans of JESUS] better start righting before God says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”




did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?