don’t be a ball hog
don’t be a job hog
don’t be an America hog
don’t be a God hog
The Messiah who was to come, already has come,” said Imam Shamshad
Tim Golden 1 year ago
“There is one FATHER of Hindu and Muslim, one G-D in all.”
A: G-D said THAT to and through Kabir (in the fifteenth-century).
A: “All THAT is True, by whomsoever it has been said, is from
Q: to whom did G-D Tell THAT to and through?
I ‘caught and reeled in’ THAT while fishing in “Recovery of Faith”
Radhakrishnan ‘said and wrote’ THAT
bro(t)her! what have you ‘said and written and done’ for G-D!
over the door of his lecture room
Linnaeus caused (t)HIS sentence to be inscribed:
“lnnocuex vivito — Numen Adest!”
Q: bro(t)her! what have you ‘said and written and done’ for G-D!
said Cleobolus, “That where the citizens fear blame more than punishment.”
Q2: when did G-D give Cleobolus THAT?
A2: One day, at the court of Periander of Corinth, a question was proposed:
which was the most perfect government?
A3: Cleobolus was one of the seven wise men of Greece
A4: bro(t)her! spend some of (t)HIS time G-D gave you reading
The History of Greece Vol. 1 by Dr. Goldsmith 1839
Ramakrishna said to his disciple Vivekananda,
“I see (know) G-D better than I see (know) you Vivekananda”
Q1: according to Swami Vivekananda who’s a ‘traitor’?
A1: all educated men who ‘do nothing’ to educate ignorant men
Q2: according to Swami Vivekananda who are ‘no better than savages’?
A2: all rich men who ‘do nothing’ to eradicate hunger
Q3: did not Swami Vivekananda think THAT > 123 years ago?
A3: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea!
Q4: did not Swami Vivekananda say THAT < 123 years ago?
A4: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea!
JESUS spanking goliath (government) 14
chew! chew!