don’t be an America hog — Tim Golden • 2 years ago
Tim Golden • 2 years ago don’t be an America hog don’t be a God hog
Tim Golden • 2 years ago don’t be an America hog don’t be a God hog
Tim Golden • 2 years ago Friday, September 18, 2015 7:36 PM
G-D wants y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] to(o)
‘take and drink’ (t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T:
don’t be a ball hog
don’t be a cash hog
don’t be an America hog
don’t be a G-D hog
sip! sip!
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!
U.S. Department of Justice,
come out, come out, wherever you are
I want to give you (feed you) something
take (t)HIS:
George Washington Carver (1864–1943) was to discover many things
Q: what was his greatest discovery?
A: G-D loved him! was the greatest discovery he ever made.
One of the important things he learned about GOD was THAT
G-D answers HIS children’s prayers.
One time George needed (wanted) a pocketknife but had no money.
George prayed (and prayed and prayed and prayed)
that night, believing THAT his FATHER WHO is! in Heaven cared about
‘the little things’.
He dreamed he was walking down by the edge of the corn field and ‘saw’ a big juicy watermelon split right in half.
Some rascal had scooped out the juicy red meat, but in the other half
of the melon the black handle of a pocket-knife stuck out.
The next morning, even before he tasted his cornmeal mush,
1) (George woke up
2) George got out of bed)
3) George raced down to the corn field,
4) George ‘saw’ the watermelon
5) George found the knife.
GOD had cared enough to answer his prayer!
George was encouraged to trust G-D
G-D is! (t)HE ONE
WHO answered George’s prayer
G-D is! (t)HE ONE
WHO created George’s dream
U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
in The Brahma Sutra
The Philosophy of Spiritual Life
by S. RadhaKrishnan (1960)
look at what I caught and reeled in
from page 85:
Even dream experiences are real!
Dreams are not created by the individual
through his/her personal effort (expertise?).
Dreams are created by G-D!
chew! chew!