11 min readSep 28, 2019

Giuliani: each individual citizen must become accountable for fixing what is wrong with our society so Dear NY FBI, did you ever tell your brothers and sisters in USIC about EEOCgate

and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and SHOT PUTgate and Heightgate and Polygraphgate and VIAGRAgate and SECgate?

or are you NY FBI waiting for God to say, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”?

we mistakenly look to goivernment and elected officials to assume responsibility for solving the problem of crime when, instead, each individual citizen must become accountable for fixing what is wrong with our society
We mistakenly look to goivernment and elected officials, Giuliani said, to assume responsibility for solving the problem of crime when, instead, each individual must become accountable for fixing what is wrong with our society

Q: aren’t pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS broken records, FBI?
Uncle Sham [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] should be ashamed of Chinese Exclusion Act
Uncle Sham [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] should be ashamed of EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

Q: aren’t pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS broken records, FBI?

Go to the profile of TimboGolden
TimboGolden Sep 27, 2019 ho ho ho

Uncle Sham [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] should be ashamed of Chinese Exclusion Act
Uncle Sham [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] should be ashamed of EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

Q: aren’t pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS broken records, FBI?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop EEOCgate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop OSHAgate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop Debtgate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop Breathalyzergate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop Heightgate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop VIAGRAgate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop Polygraphgate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop SECgate?

Q: what did COTUS do to stop SHOT PUTgate?


Carter employed 892 EEOC investigators (in 1980)
Obama employed 548 EEOC investigators (in 2015)
Trump will employ 497 EEOC investigators (in 2019)

Carter employed 1,469 OSHA Compliance Officers in 1980
Obama employed 986 OSHA Compliance Officers in 2014 (duh!)

Debtgate: why are we $22T in debt if we’ve given Uncle Sham $40T in tax revenue to manage since 2000?
A: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] the world’s worst money managers?

6' 3 3⁄4" Lincoln at Antietam vs 6' 3/4" Trump at Heightgate
so let the record show Trump is 6' 3/4"

VIAGRAgate Try saying VIAGRAgate 10 times fast
In May 1999, a 100-count bottle of Viagra cost $700
In May 2019, a 100-count bottle of Viagra cost $6,096
Viagra has risen right under your noses by(e bye) 666%

did FBI ever tell FBI’s brothers and sisters in USIC about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and SHOT PUTgate and Heightgate and Polygraphgate and VIAGRAgate and SECgate?
or is FBI waiting for God to say, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”?

Obama’s SECgate
No one (not even JESUS?) should be heard credibly to question
whether enforcement is a priority at the SEC.

SHOT PUTgate: 160 pound Dongmo vs 260 pound Carter
_____ 2016 Olympic Shot Put Final Women ____

Q: why are there no (50 lb.) weight classes for women’s shot put?
Q: why did #12 (160 lb.) Dongmo vs #1 (260 lb.) Carter?


if the world’s smartest computers could vote would they vote
or would they take a knee [HE HE HE]?

Q: why are Watson and Summit dumb to(o) EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate?


God sends warners and messengers



doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of goivernment are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?

Dear ABA, if 51% of Touro Law Center students failed the July Bar Exam
then why are 8 non-attorneys (Goivernor Cuomo appointed) examining and rescinding NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?


dumb FDR called Dewey ”the little man on the wedding cake”
dumber Dewey (who was an attorney) let non-attorneys ‘examine and rescind’ NYS WCALJudges’ decisions

In 1945, NY Governor Dewey (who was an attorney) let non-attorneys ‘review and rescind’ NYS WCALJudges’ decisions


Governor Pataki appointed 2 men (non-attorneys) to run NYS WCB over a woman attorney named MONA A. BARGNESI
attorney MONA A. BARGNESI never became NYS WCB chair (duh!)


don’t be an America hog
don’t be a God hog
— Tim Golden • 3 years ago

don’t be a job hog














“Cease to do evil — learn to do well” is cut in deep letters on the front of the Richmond Penitentiary, South Circular Road, Dublin











(on May 19, 2017) Today I am setting G-D’S Mail free


Q: when is Google going to release (not Google earnings) my searches Google captured (after I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times in 2011)?

Q: when is Google going to release (not Google earnings) my searches Google captured (after I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times in 2011)?





Q: when is Google going to release my searches

(it captured in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)?


Q: when are we going to ‘see’ everything Google ‘saw’

(6 years ago, 5 years ago, 4 years ago, 3 years ago, 2 years ago)?






good luck in life


good luck in death


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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