TimboGolden·Follow1 min read·Aug 8, 2018--ListenShareHawk Newberry’s Law: all children under 13 must wear a life jacket on a dock or on a duck boat or on a Silver Bullethttp://www.kwqc.com/content/news/Family-members-watch-wait-as-crews-search-for-child-who-fell-into-Mississippi-River-489149131.html2-year-old Hawk Newberry fell into the water July 24 from a dock at Schwiebert Riverfront Park in Rock Island, Illinois.+Toddler Falls From Boat At Montauk Lake Club Wednesday - MontaukJun 7, 2016 3:49 PMPublication: The East Hampton Press Jun 7, 2016 3:56 PM A 2-year-old East Hampton boy nearly drowned…www.27east.comChild Falls Off Boat at Montauk Marina, Nearly DrownsA 2-year-old boy nearly drowned when he fell off a boat at the Montauk Lake Club and Marina on Wednesday morning, East…easthamptonstar.com+Tragic hunt for boy, 4, who fell from his grandfather's boatLogan Torrance Fontana disappeared in Pensacola Bay, Florida, on Saturday afternoon He was fishing with his…www.dailymail.co.uk4-Year Old Falls Off Boat; Child's Name ReleasedThe search for a 4-year old boy who fell off a boat Saturday afternoon continues. About 4 p.m., a 911 caller reported…www.northescambia.com=Logan Fontana’s Law: all children under 13 must wear a life jacket on a dock or on a duck boat or on a Silver Bullethttp://www.silverbullettours.com/