“Home purchases should involve an honest-to-God down payment of at least 10% — Warren Buffett
The present housing debacle should teach home buyers, lenders, brokers and government some simple lessons that will ensure stability in the future. Home purchases should involve an honest-to-God down payment of at least 10% and monthly payments that can be comfortably handled by the borrower’s income. That income should be carefully verified.
Putting people into homes, though a desirable goal, shouldn’t be our country’s primary objective. Keeping them in their homes should be the ambition.
Warren Buffett
Buffett has admitted to being agnostic
Q: should Warren Buffett give more in taxes if y’all
[President(s) + OMB + Congress] are going to give it to the rich [Pentagon]?
A: nyet!
Q: instead of taking (more money) from Warren Buffett why don’t y’all
[President(s) + OMB + Congress] not give the rich [Pentagon]
$500 billion/yr?
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golden calf (tunc) vs golden calf (nunc)
golden calf (tunc) vs golden calf (nunc) site:medium.com at DuckDuckGo
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