11 min readMar 14, 2019

How the college admissions scam worked vs How to get an EB-1 visa The trick was to define a field narrow enough to excel in, she said,
but not too narrow that immigration authorities won’t take it seriously.

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43256318 p.s. “take a bite!”

How to get an EB-1 visa: The trick was to define a field narrow enough to excel in, she said, but not too narrow that immigration authorities won’t take it seriously.

Trump and his first wife, Ivana, pose outside the Federal Courthouse after she was sworn in as a United States citizen in May 1988. Reuters


Booker: “We’ll call it the ‘Trump Tunnel’ if necessary. I don’t care. vs Booker! don’t sell women out

Booker: “We’ll call it the ‘Trump Tunnel’ if necessary. I don’t care.
Booker! don’t sell women out


Go to the profile of TimboGolden
TimboGolden Mar 13, 2019 God knows who cares and who shares
https://plus.google.com/116787014531436181099 p.s. “take a bite!”

Booker! don’t sell Mexican immigrants out


Booker! don’t sell Hillary out


Booker! don’t sell Bernie out


Booker! don’t sell US (vicTims of workplace discrimination) out


Booker! don’t sell your soul for a tunnel


Booker! don’t sell CHRIST out




y’all [legislators, lawyers, judges] better start righting before God says,
“spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


don’t be an America hog
don’t be a God hog
— Tim Golden • 3 years ago

don’t be a job hog


Q: did NY FBI just tell these two that 8 non-attorneys (NY Governor Cuomo appointed) are examining and rescinding NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?

The Battle for New York p.s. “let’s get ready to grumble!”

On 9/6/2013, Governor Cuomo let 2 non-attorneys (Williams and Higgins) ‘examine and rescind’ my NYS WCALJudge’s decision

my attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman requested a Full Board Review

On 11/25/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten solely denied me a Full Board Review

On 12/12/2013 the Third Judicial Department decided that
“only a three member panel can deny a Full Board Review”
(see Scalo v. Perry & Sons)

On 12/27/2013, NYS WCB chair Beloten got 2 subordinates
(Libous and Munnelly) to sign order denying me
a Full Board Review (FBR).

Q1: was not Munnelly NYS WCB general counsel and NYS WCB ethics officer?
Q2: how much (t)ime did each person spend ‘reviewing’ (examining)
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q3: did Libous (who is a nurse?) sign order denying me a FBR
while in Florida or while in New York?
Q4: why is a nurse (or any non-attorney) ‘reviewing’ (examining)
any NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q5: if Munnelly + 2 non-attorneys ‘reviewed and rescinded’
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision in September 2013
then why is Munnelly again being asked by his boss to deny me
a Full Board Review (FBR)?


I immediately filed a written complaint with Congressman King. Congressman King forwarded my complaint to senator Fuschillo; NYS senator Fuschillo resigned

On July 28, 2014 Verizon notified MetLife Disability (Verizon’s administrator of Disability) that Verizon could not accommodate my work restrictions

_________________[cock-a-doodle do!o] [cock-a-doodle do!o]
U.S. Department of Justice,
wakie wakie and grab your Google (your reel)
let’s go fishing!
on G-D’S web
Insurance carriers are reminded of their obligation to offer
a Section 32 agreement
to settle compensation and other benefits due to the claimanT
within six months of a PPD classification.
Such an offer shall be made to the claimant’s legal representative,
if one exists.
If not, the offer shall also include a statement of rights, obligations, and potential liabilities
if the offer is accepted (WCL §32(a)).
(google it! vs yahoo! it vs duckduckgo it! vs bring it!)
Q: did y’all ‘catch and reel in’ (t)HIS:




let’s review:

Dear ABA, why did you let Governor Cuomo let a non-attorney Samuel Williams (with only a high school diploma?) examine and rescind my NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s decision?

On 9/6/2013, 2 non-attorney NYS WCB commissioners (Higgins and Williams) examined and rescinded my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?

my attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman requested a Full Board Review


non-attorney NYS WCB commissioner Frances Libous (a nurse and wife of senator Thomas Libous) examined my NYS WCALJudge’s decision and then denied me a Full Board Review

Frances Libous resigned after NY FBI raided her home

let’s review

On November 2, 2009 I suffered an on-duty Verizon work-accident and sustained injuries to my back my neck my shoulder

On March 28, 2013 NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson classified me as having Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) and awarded me $600/wk for 375 weeks

On 9/6/2013, 2 non-attorney NYS WCB commissioners (Higgins and Williams) examined and rescinded my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?

my attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman requested a Full Board Review

On 11/25/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten solely denied me a Full Board Review

On 12/12/2013 the Third Judicial Department decided that
“only a three member panel can deny a Full Board Review”
(see Scalo v. Perry & Sons)

On 12/27/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten got 2 subordinates
(Libous and Munnelly) to sign order denying me
a Full Board Review (FBR).


Q1: was not Munnelly NYS WCB general counsel and NYS WCB ethics officer?
Q2: how much (t)ime did each person spend ‘reviewing’ (examining)
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q3: did Libous (who is a nurse?) sign order denying me a FBR
while in Florida or while in New York?
Q4: why is a nurse (or any non-attorney) ‘reviewing’ (examining)
any NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q5: if Munnelly + 2 non-attorneys ‘reviewed and rescinded’
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision in September 2013
then why is Munnelly again being asked by his boss to deny me
a Full Board Review (FBR)?


I immediately filed a written complaint with Congressman King Congressman King forwarded complaint to senator Fuschillo senator Fuschillo resigned

On July 28, 2014 Verizon notified MetLife Disability (Verizon’s administrator of Disability) that Verizon could not accommodate my work restrictions

_________________[cock-a-doodle do!o] [cock-a-doodle do!o]
U.S. Department of Justice,
wakie wakie and grab your Google (your reel)
let’s go fishing!
on G-D’S web
Insurance carriers are reminded of their obligation to offer
a Section 32 agreement
to settle compensation and other benefits due to the claimanT
within six months of a PPD classification.
Such an offer shall be made to the claimant’s legal representative,
if one exists.
If not, the offer shall also include a statement of rights, obligations, and potential liabilities
if the offer is accepted (WCL §32(a)).
(google it! vs yahoo! it vs duckduckgo it! vs bring it!)
Q: did y’all ‘catch and reel in’ (t)HIS:










silly vs serious
Dear NY FBI, should I take these cards to PSA or God The FATHER to be graded?


doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?

Dear ABA, if 51% of Touro Law Center students failed July Bar Exam
then why are 8 non-attorneys (Governor Cuomo appointed) examining and rescinding NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?


don’t be an America hog
don’t be a God hog
— Tim Golden • 3 years ago

don’t be a job hog


I arrived (30 minutes) early to my hearing
(on Broadway) in Jericho.
A woman (who I had never met before) said, “Mr. Golden?”
I said, “yes.”
She said, “I’m your…



y’all [legislators, lawyers, judges] better start righting before G-D says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


what law firms have secured the most EB-1 visas — Google Search


150-Year Wait for Indian Immigrants With Advanced Degrees


y’all [legislators, lawyers, judges] better start righting before G-D says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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