3 min readSep 21, 2019

I bought me a Bar Kochba many many moons ago

https://plus.google.com/116787014531436181099 p.s. I fed Google+ God’s Mail 20,000 Times since 2014 so where’s God’s Mail?

I showed off my Bar Kochba to Ed Richardson (in 2009); Trust but Verify

https://plus.google.com/116787014531436181099 p.s. I fed Google+ God’s Mail 20,000 Times since 2014 so where’s God’s Mail?

this side of Bar Kochba rubbed off on me [HE HE HE]; I got a permanent rash on my chest to prove it


Bar Kochba wanted the oppressors out (that’s T rue!)


I am gonna fix the rat

rescue the vicTim of IME doctor fraud from the hands of his/her oppressors — Jeremiah 22:3
iF FBI knew about IME doctor fraud then why didn’t FBI do anything (i.e. IME doctor fraud stings!)

I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter (duh!)

if NELA members and EEOC staff share the common goal of ensuring that the nation’s EEO laws are enforced then where’re NELA and FBI and SCOTUS (who’re followers of CHRIST?)?
if Section 2000e-5(b) charges EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate then why didn’t NY EEOC interview me [HE HE HE]?

did FBI ever tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and SHOT PUTgate and Heightgate and Polygraphgate and VIAGRAgate and SECgate?
did FBI ever tell these 4 about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot PUTgate and Heightgate?

SCOTUS! what have you done to stop the 3 stooges (haha haman) from intentionally under-staffing EEOC for(e!) 50 years?
Dear Justice Ginzzzburg, is not [Trump + OMB + Con gress] under-staffing EEOC unconstitutional and unethical and anti-laborer and anti-woman?

I fed Obama’s SEC God’s Mail and then Obama’s SEC choked:
DoJustice! Bryan Burke from the SEC called me twice in 2011 so where’s my money ($180,000)?

I arrived (30 minutes) early to my Social Security Disability hearing
(on Broadway) in Jericho.
A woman (who I had never met before) said, “Mr. Golden?”
I said, “yes.”
She said, “I’m your


y’all [all so-called religious people] better start righting before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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