Dear NY FBI, I bought a JET (not any old jet) an April 18, 1968 JET
I showed off my JET (in 2009) to Ed Richardson and Dave Alves
before I gave (ho ho ho) 50 (five o) poems! to the NY FBI (in 2011)
I gave (ho ho ho) 50 (five o) poems! to CWA 1104 Ed Richardson (in 2009)
I gave (ho ho ho) a one page poem (about Dr. King) I wrote
to Verizon manager Dave Alves (who’s a Marine) in 2009
Q: what did Verizon manager Dave Alves do with (that poem!) G-D’S Mail?
Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy described Dr. King as “the man
who tells the President of the United States what to do -
John the Baptist of the 20th Century.”
Trust but Verify
1) go buy your own JET
preview (t)HIS one (thanks to
2) interview (my witnesses?) Ed Richardson and Dave Alves
sip! sip!
_______________________[Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day!]
U.S. Department of Justice,
tell all [especially President(s) + OMB + Congress + NY FBI] to(o)
‘take and drink’ (t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T orah:
Q: if Moses had thrown out God’s Mail
then where would we (man and woman) be?
‘in other words’
Q: if Moses had thrown out God’s Ten Commandments (Then)
then where would we (man and woman) be (Today)?
sip! sip!
bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?
A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I fed (t)HIS poem:
1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month and then really suffer
when it was time to give birth to JESUS’ Mother Mary
2) JESUS’ Mother Mary had to suffer each month and then really suffer
when it was time to give birth to JESUS
eat! eat!
mangia mangia
comer comer
mange mange
לאכול לאכול
עסן עסן
ешь ешь
खाओ खाओ
ਖਾਣੀ ਖਾਣ ਦੀ
먹고 먹고
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: are not we(e spirits) all G-D’S students?
A: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! да! yea!
to(o) my doctor Dr. Lippe (in 2010)
to(o) the NY FBI (in 2011)
I passed [HE HE HE] (t)HIS note:
“woman isn’t closest to G-D
because she sacrifices
woman sacrifices
because she is (allready?) closest to G-D”
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: did the NY FBI pass you (t)HIS note?
Q: if the NY FBI didn’t pass you (t)HIS note
then would not that mean that the NY FBI is a modern day
Jonah (you’re back too)?
chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]
do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]
or else