(In 1976) 20-year-old Steven Karaganis was arrested by YonkersPD. Steven was held on a canceled warrant. He called his mother and then Steven hung himself in a YPD cell. Steven had a learning disability.
in other words
Q: is YonkersPD to blame?
A: had Yonkers police officers consulted with NCIC before detaining Steven Yonkers police officers would have learned that the warrant was canceled
A: had YonkersPD kept an eye on Steven after he called his mother YonkersPD would not be seen Today as being incompetent and uncaring Then
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I delivered to Hezi Ari and YonkersTribune (230 + 70) 300 posts!
Q: where’s G-D’S Mail?
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: did YonkersTribune throw out (abort) (discard) G-D’S Mail?
please answer (t)HIS question(s)
Q: if YonkersTribune threw out G-D’S Mail
then would not that mean that YonkersTribune is a modern day
Jonah (you’re back too?)?
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I delivered (ho ho ho) to(o) Hezi Ari and YonkersTribune
300 (230 + 70) posts!
Q: where’s G-D’S Mail?
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: did YonkersTribune throw out (abort) (discard) G-D’S Mail?
please answer (t)HIS question(s)
Q: if YonkersTribune threw out G-D’S Mail
then would not that mean that YonkersTribune is a modern day
U.S. Department of Justice,
if you want JESUS to appear with you in Celestial Court then
A) check YonkersTribune’s (not phone) server
B) interview (Hezi Ari and YonkersTribune) all involved
C) re-post G-D’S Mail (those 300 posts I showed Dr. Lippe) before I do
D) right the wrongs (those 300 posts) HeziAri and YonkersTribune posted
bro(t)her! now (nunc) you (wee spirit) know G-D’S ABCs