Obama’s EEOC signed off on 587,032 ‘no reasonable cause’ letters (from 2009–2017) duh!
did Presidents Bush and Obama intentionally under-staff EEOC for(e!) 16 years?
he promised to increase staffing for EEOC (in 2008)
he entered Office with 2,192 EEOC employees (in 2009)
he left Office with 2,082 EEOC employees (in 2017) duh!
SCOTUS! is under-staffing EEOC pro-woman or anti-woman?
(unethical) presidents can cut regulatory efforts they disapprove of
(e.g. EEOC) and give a boost to those they favor (e.g. Pentagon)?
iF y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] are 3 stooges Then aren’t y’all 3 dinosaurs?
Q: is the federal budget process undemocratic?
A: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea! да! יא yo نعم فعلا nem fielaan
Fact: The OMB review process involves only career staff, top political appointees (PADs), the OMB director, and the president
Fact: OMB hearings are not open to the public
Fact: OMB calls no witnesses
Fact: OMB does not publish a formal report of the proceedings
Q: should not God be heard?
A: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea! да! יא yo نعم فعلا nem fielaan
Q: what happens when God is not heard?
A: didn’t God give me 3 dinosaurs [President(s) + OMB + Congress] to play with?
in other words
Q: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] 3 dinosaurs?