Gabriel Told Muhammad to “read!” [“eat God’s Mail!”]

3 min readJun 18, 2017


don’t forget to “exorcise!” [“right wrongs!”]

I fed Obama’s SEC God’s Mail and then Obama’s SEC choked:
DoJustice! Bryan Burke from the SEC called me twice in 2011 so where’s my money ($180,000)?





I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter (duh!)


EEOC regularly transfers local discrimination cases to other jurisdictions known as “the killing fields”
Thou shalt not kill workplace discrimination cases — Wikipedia


brand new EEOC employees (without training) are expected to close high numbers of discrimination cases — Gabriel le Martin, May 2016
SCOTUS! what did you ever do to stop the 3 stooges (HaHa Haman) from intentionally under-staffing EEOC for(e!) 50 years?



Dear NY FBI, do you remember the time I fed you God’s Mail (in 2011)?
TimGolden • 3 years ago Wednesday, September 17, 2014 9:47 PM







chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]




Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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