4 min readAug 18, 2017

Q: is a no-show job good government pro-CHRIST or bad government anti-CHRIST?

The inspector general’s inquiry centers on Randall Hinton, the director of investigations at NYSIF. Hinton came to the public’s attention after the Times Union published an article saying that he has been receiving a $94,000 salary for years, without performing any duties.

Edward Obertubbesing, Hinton’s former manager and one of the employees who lodged the complaint, said in a sworn statement that Hinton had not been given anything to do for almost a decade, according to the Times Union.

“Hinton said he does no work and spends his days counting cars he watches from his office window while listening to music,” the Times Union reported.





















if y’all were not born hating women complainanTs then
why have y’all been degrading women complainanTs
for(e!) 50 years?

“if y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] were not born hating
another American because of the color of
his/her (I added her for God!) skin or
his/her (I added her for God!) background or
his/her (I added her for God!) religion or
his/her (I added her for God!) disability
then why have y’all under-funded and under-staffed EEOC
for(e!) 50 years?”







Q: shouldn’t Taxpayers get to pick which agencies get Taxpayer money?

in other words

Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [EEOC]?

in other words

Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [OSHA]?

in other words

Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [EPA]?

in other words

Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [EBSA]?

in other words

Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [SEC]?

in other words

Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [IRS]?


Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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