Q1: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government were created to knockout the haughty? — Timothy Golden2 years ago
Timothy Golden2 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government were created
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?
Q2: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?
VA scandal vs EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)
____________________[ding-a-lings] [ding-a-lings] [ding-a-lings]
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress + EEOC] pro-woman?
A: nyet!
Fact1: if y’all were pro-woman
then y’all would investigate every woman’s complainT
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
Fact2: if y’all were pro-woman
then y’all would play a modern day Robin Hood =
1) take $9.99 billion from the rich [Pentagon budget]
2) give $9.99 billion to the poor [EEOC + EPA + EBSA + OSHA budgets]
3) hire Bill (not Clinton not Cosby) Bratton to be EEOC chair
4) let him hire 5000 qualified (ethical + competent) investigators
5) let G-D watch workplace discrimination become a thing (sin)
of the past
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact1: I said to one of my daughters, “Lily! women are not pro-woman
unless she desires to ‘see’ every woman’s complainT investigated
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
Fact2: my daughter Lily said, “dad! you’re like the ultimate feminisT
____________________[ho ho ho] [HE HE HE] [Marry CHRISTmas]
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more Americans are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t and
don’t investigate and amend “in good faith” =
in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner 100,000 complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate and amend “in good faith” =
in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner 100,000 complainTs/yr?
A: 50 states * 100 investigators/state = 5000 EEOC investigators (duh!)
Trust but Verify
________________________[yoo-hoo] [yoo-hoo]
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: if you take G-D out of the workplace
then what do we Taxpayers! (who are also complainanTs) get?
A: [ding-a-lings] [ding-a-lings] [ding-a-lings]
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I [HE HE HE] was just one of those 60,440
FY2015 EEOC No Reasonable Cause findings
Year: FY2015
# of EEOC complaints: 89,385
No Reasonable Cause: 60,440
Reasonable Cause: 3,239
U.S. Department of Justice,
The cause finding rate is down,
which is compatible with the dumping of cases.
Without careful review of the cases,
we cannot make a finding of discrimination.
- Gabrelle Martin, Council President
February 2004
Trust but Verify
Bush slashed EEOC’s workforce from 2,924 employees in 2002 to 2,158 employees in 2007; with friends like you, who needs enemies?
Bush (who’s a follower of CHRIST?) slashed EEOC’s workforce
from 2,924 employees (in 2002) to 2,158 employees (in 2007) duh!
did Presidents Bush and Obama under-fund and under-staff EEOC for(e!) 16 years?
I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail for 1 year and then Obama’s EEOC laid an egg
he promised to increase staffing for EEOC (in 2008)
he entered Office with 2,192 EEOC employees (in 2009)
he left Office with 2,082 EEOC employees (in 2017) duh!
Let’s Make America Great Again
Let’s Under-Staff EEOC Again and Again and Again and Again (duh!)
Dear Judicial Branch, is not [Executive Branch + Legislative Branch] under-staffing EEOC unconstitutional and unethical?