Q1: is there more arsenic in brown rice or white rice? Q2: why?
Brown rice contains more arsenic than white rice because arsenic accumulates in the “germ” that is removed from brown rice to make white rice
The CPSC report said that babies who are fed two servings of rice cereal a day could double their lifetime cancer risk.
Rice plants are particularly good at absorbing arsenic from the soilInorganic arsenic is a common ingredient in pesticides and other products used in farming, and can linger in the soil for a long time after it is used.
Finding elevated levels of arsenic in rice is nothing new.
Scientists have been publishing reports on this for more than a decade,
according to science writer Deborah Blum,
an expert on poisonous food and author of The Poisoner’s Handbook.
In contrast to organic arsenic (often found in seafood, for instance),
inorganic arsenic is not easily flushed from the body.
The Israeli consumption directives are broken down by inorganic
(the more hazardous type) and organic.
1) We support consumers’ right to know about the food they are eating
2) we remain committed to transparency about the food we provide.
3) We have published arsenic-testing results for our crop
4) We provide a link to information on arsenic that includes peer-reviewed research studies, as well as straight-forward answers to questions about arsenic in general and Lundberg-specific products.
Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts and concerns with us.
5) We value your feedback as it helps us to focus
The FDA suggests the best way for consumers to reduce the presence of inorganic arsenic in rice is to cook rice with a high volume of water and drain the excess water7. This method can reduce from 40 to 60 percent of the inorganic arsenic content, depending on the type of rice. While reducing the arsenic content, this method can also reduce the nutritional value of rice. Brown rice has the least nutrient loss using this method.
chew! chew!