3 min readMar 17, 2022
San Francisco PD pays its police officers $89,856/yr to start vs NYPD pays its police officers $42,500/yr to start so Federal Minimum Wage of $25/hr for Police Officers — TimGolden

Federal minimum wage of $25/hr for police officers — Google Search

Federal Minimum Wage of $25/hr for Police Officers — TimGolden
Federal Minimum Wage of $25/hr for Police Officers

if civilians working inside Amazon are paid a minimum of $15/hr then police officers should be paid a federal minimum of $25/hr
police officers in Missouri and Alabama and Tennessee and Louisiana and South Carolina should not be making only $15/hr
NBC News blew the whistle on $11/hr police officer pay
NBC News blew the whistle on $11/hr police officer pay in 2014 so Federal Minimum Wage of $25/hr for Police Officers

Federal Minimum Wage of $25/hr for Police Officers

Federal Minimum Wage of $25/hr for Police Officers
if civilians working inside Amazon are paid a minimum of $15/hr then police officers should be paid a federal minimum of $25/hr