silly vs serious

8 min readFeb 12, 2019


Dear NY FBI, should I take these cards to PSA or God The FATHER to be graded?

Dear NY FBI, should I take these cards to PSA or God The FATHER to be graded?

Go to the profile of TimboGolden
TimboGolden Mar 26, 2017 God knows who’s righting wrongs and who’s not p.s. “take a bite!”






(t)HE END is! near



send THE HOLY SPIRIT forth to fill me (YOUR quill) with YOUR WILL
FATHER! right wrongs with me


I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:


I fed Obama’s SEC God’s Mail and then Obama’s SEC choked:


didn’t James Watson say something Celestially dumb on July 01, 2003 before James Watson said something terrestrially dumb in 2007?
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was that
my father didn’t believe in God
— James Watson, July 01, 2003

didn’t James Watson say something Celestially dumb on July 01, 2003 before James Watson said something terrestrially dumb in 2007?

Go to the profile of TimboGolden
TimboGolden God knows who’s naughty and who’s nice p.s. “take a bite!”

The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was that
my father didn’t believe in God
— James Watson, July 01, 2003
love doesn’t come from God, so it’s not the greatest gift of God
but the greatest gift of our genes.
— James Watson, July 01, 2003


my mother worked for the FBI.
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to the FBI”
then I heard God say, “son!
you’re gonna give it to them alright”


Dear NY FBI, should I take these cards to PSA or God THE FATHER
to be graded?





I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:


I fed Obama’s SEC God’s Mail and then Obama’s SEC choked:


Q: why are Watson and Summit dumb to(o)
EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate?
A: Watson and Summit got knowledge not wisdom; wisdom
(Celestial smarts) comes from THE HOLY SPIRIT




women! which men have been the biggest meatheads in history?
Timothy Golden3 years ago

bro(t)her! don’t hate cavemen; help G-D to(o) educate cavemen — Timothy Golden3 years ago

(on Broadway) in Jericho.
A woman (who I had never met before) said, “Mr. Golden?”
I said, “yes.”
She said, “I’m your attorney.”
I said, “okay.”
She said, “the judge is waiting for you.”
I said, “I’m 30 minutes early.”
She said, “the judge is waiting for you.”
I said, “why? I’m 30 minutes early.”
She said, “go see the security guard.”
The security guard said, “put your (3) books down.”
The security guard said, “I need to see your ID.”
The security guard said, “I have to check you (for a weapon?).”
The security guard said, “go in (through the door).”
My attorney said, “before we see the judge go in here (another room).”
In the room was a table, 2 chairs and a laptop (was the laptop on?)
My attorney said, “sit.”
My attorney said, “put your (3) books down.”
My attorney said, “let’s (talk) go over your case.”
I started talking and she grabbed my
(3) books and rammed Them into her tote bag.
I said, “what are you doing?”
She said, “we don’t want the judge to see These.”
I said, “I do!”
I said, “I walked in here with These (3) books.”
I said, “I’m walking out of here with These (3) books.”
I said, “give me back my (3) books.”
She reached in to her tote bag and pulled out my (3) books.
She put my (3) books (right next to the laptop) on the Table .
She said, “let’s go see the judge.”
I kept thinking, “was that laptop on?”
We walked in to the hearing room and the judge was looking into a laptop.
I thought, “was that judge watching me?”
When the judge started speaking he said, “your attorney is excellent.”
I thought, “do you know my attorney?”
I thought, “do you know what she did (in there) to me [HE HE HE]?
Q: what were Those (3) books?
A: Great Jewish Women, Great Rabbis, The Torah
Q: What Words were peeking out (no lie) from The Top of The Torah?
A: G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)



Fact: my Social Security Disability request was denied (so sad and how silly).



3rd Floor

375 North Broadway

Jericho, NY 11753


‘’And the Walls Came Tumbling Down,’’

+ p.s. “take a bite!”

+ p.s. “take a bite!”


+ p.s. “take a bite!”




Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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