terrestrially broke vs Celestially broke
terrestrially broke? don’t worry Celestially broke? worry
in other words
; or, in the great words of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, “government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
in other words
Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [EEOC]?
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Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [OSHA]?
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Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [EPA]?
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Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [EBSA]?
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Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [SEC]?
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Q: shouldn’t we take from the rich [Pentagon] and give to the poor [IRS]?
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in other words
in other words
Fact: I gave NY EEOC (500 pages!) 10 faxes+7 overnight deliveries
7 overnight deliveries +medium.com
Q1: shouldn’t we (Taxpayers!) take away and cut up y’all’s
[President(s)’s + OMB’s + Congress’s] credit cards?
Q2: if we were to slash the military budget by(e bye) $500 billion/yr
then how soon (in years) would the U.S. be (like totally) debt free?
Q3: if y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] can’t eradicate
workplace discrimination and hazards and fatalities
then shouldn’t we Taxpayers/complainanTs try?
Q4: haven’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] mismanaged our money
long enough?
y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] better start righting before G-D says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”