Tim Golden • 2 years ago bro(t)her! ‘take and eat’ these books I ‘caught and reeled in’ from India:
up on earth-1 year ago
bro(t)her! let me share with you the books I bought (I caught and reeled in) from India:
1) CHRIST by Swami Vivekananda
2) The Adi Granth or The Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs
3) Spiritual Thoughts of Ancient India by Prof. Asoke Chatterjee Sastri
4) The Kuber Purana by Prof. Dr. Asoke Chatterjee Shastri
5) Jiva Goswami’s Tattva-Sandarbha
6) Ramayana by Swami Chidbhavananda
7) CaitanyaBhagavata by Prof. Asoke Chatterjee Sastri
8) Shri Chaitanya’s Teachings by Siddhanta Saraswati
9) Katha Upanishad by Swami Ambikanada Saraswati
10) Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Bodhasaramanda
India bought Harleys (good bikes) from America and
I bought good books from India
up on earth-1 year ago
bro(t)her! don’t hate cavemen; help G-D to(o) educate cavemen
up on earth-1 year ago
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
part I stop sinning (behave!)(stop being a dumb-he!)
part II start saving (act!)(start being a smart-he!)
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (tunc)
part I cease to do evil
part II learn to do well
ho ho ho
bro(t)her! G-D knows who’s naughty and who’s nice
up on earth-1 year ago
bro(t)her! if you tell us THAT (you love G-D)
then show us THAT
‘tell and show’
bro(t)her! if you tell us THAT (you love G-D)
then show us THAT
1) by(e) you keeping HIS Commandments (behave!)
2) by(e) you righting wrongs (act!)
up on earth-1 year ago
bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!