Tim Golden 4 month(s) ago 6 comments 17% approved; sandiegouniontribune.com threw out God’s Mail (5 times)?
is throwing out God’s Mail pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST?
is blowing up Christian churches pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST?
Xi, China voted for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Xi, China not only signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights China played an important role in drafting it (who knew? HE HE HE)
religions in China must be Chinese in orientation — President Xi
Dear United Nations,
don’t you think you should spank Xi before JESUS shows up and
puts y’all in HIS T orah
listen to the voice Translation
listen to the mocking bird
sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]
Dear President Xi, you mention Marx many times in your speech;
why didn’t you mention (praise) Confucius and Lao-Tze?
Q: were not Confucius and Lao-Tze Types of CHRIST?
in other words
in other words
in other words
Types of CHRIST
U.S. Department of Justice,
come out, come out, wherever you are
G-D wants y’all to(o)
‘take and drink’ (t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T orah:
Q1: were not Abraham and Moses and Isaiah
Types of CHRIST?
Q2: were not Job and Joseph and Jeremiah
Types of CHRIST?
Q3: were not Krishna and Caitanya and Ramakrishna
Types of CHRIST?
Q4: were not Socrates and Plato and Aristotle
Types of CHRIST?
Q5: were/are not there many women here who were/are
Types of CHRIST?
Mary Dyer and nun Dorothy Stang and judge Patricia Acioli
took more than a bullet for G-D!
when she and she and she did something to(o)
‘confront and rebuke’ dumb minds
5 = a hand
sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]
where would we (man + woman) be (Today)
if Moses had thrown out God’s Mail (Then)?
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!
in other words
Q: if Moses had thrown out G-D’S Mail (Then)
then where would we (man + woman) be (Today)?
in other words
in other words
Tim Golden Dec 14, 2014
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!
TimGolden Apr 14, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
come out, come out, wherever you are
G-D wants y’all to(o)
‘take and drink’ (t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T:
Q: if Moses had thrown out G-D’S Mail (Then)
then where would we (man and woman) be (Today)?
in other words
Q: if Moses had thrown out G-D’S Ten CommandmenTs
then where would we (man and woman) be?
sip! sip!
in other words
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: where does JESUS go to exorcise?
A: earth!
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
Q: In law, FRAUD is _______________?
A: deliberate deception
to secure unfair or unlawful gain,
to deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Year: FY2015
# of EEOC complaints: 89,385
No Reasonable Cause: 60,440
Reasonable Cause: 3,239
The cause finding rate is down,
which is compatible with the dumping of cases.
Without careful review of the cases,
we cannot make a finding of discrimination.
- Gabrelle Martin, Council President
February 2004
Trust but Verify
As we all know, the goal is to meet the numbers.
Cases are closed even though questions remain
whether there was discrimination.
If it is the end of the quarter, or the end of the fiscal year,
EEOC offices dump cases.
There is no other way to describe what happens
- Gabrelle Martin, Council President
February 2004
Trust but Verify
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: if the Republican Party loves G-D then y’all will ‘take and drink’
(t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T:
there should be no case dumping
- Newt Gingrich
March 3, 1998
EEOC case dumping scandal 2009–2017
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more Americans are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC receives 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate “in good faith”
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr?
Trust but Verify
page 30 Chart 2 EEOC investigators assigned
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: if the Democratic Party loves G-D then y’all will ‘take and drink’
(t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T:
there should be no case dumping
- Newt Gingrich
March 3, 1998
EEOC case dumping scandal 2009–2017
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more Americans are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC receives 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate “in good faith”
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr?
Trust but Verify
page 30 Chart 2 EEOC investigators assigned
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: the Obama years (2009–2016) kept finding the money to employ
21,444 Border Patrol agents
Q: the Obama years (2009–2016) couldn’t find the money to employ
more than 666 EEOC investigators?
in other words
page 30 Chart 2 EEOC investigators assigned
Q: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] ethically challenged?
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: was President Bill Clinton fond of women
Taxpayers! (who were also discrimination complainanTs)?
A: nyet!
Fact1: The EEOC is not a high priority of President Clinton.
While Clinton has proposed raising the agency’s budget
to $268 million next year,
1) he didn’t get a chairman installed for nearly 21 months
2) he waited two full years before nominating a new prosecutor
for the commission (the EEOC).
Trust but Verify
Fact2: EEOC chairman Gilbert Casellas said
1) he has not met privately with President Clinton
since his confirmation (16 months ago)
2) the White House has not returned his telephone calls.
3) “Nobody gives a crap about us,” Ca\sellas said.
(google it! vs google chrome it! vs wing it?)
Trust but Verify
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
remember what orthopedic IME Moriarty wrote in his IME report about me:
1) claimant is bizarre (that’s libel! coming from the mouth or pen
of a non-psychiatrist/non-psychologist)
2) claimant carried numerous religious books into my office
(that’s not true!)
Q: does not numerous mean too many to count?
I carried ‘just’ 3 books into his office?
A) Great Jewish Women
B) Great Rabbis
C) The Torah
3) I saw claimant reading The Torah with a magnifying glass
(that’s true!)
4) do not resend claimant. He frightened me and my office staff
(that hurts!
remember: do no harm )
U.S. Department of Justice? (Scooby Do!o),
where are you?
(up a tree?)
1) request orthopedic IME Moriarty’s 2 IME reports about me (me me)
2) ‘see’ (for yourselves) the libel and the inaccuracies
3) question NYS WCB + NYS WCB chair + NYS WCB Fraud Inspector General:
Q: what are you doing to combat IME doctor libel and IME doctor fraud
(2–5 minute phony IMEs)
TimboGoldenOct 15, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: do you ‘see’ anything wrong with one person ‘having and holding’
3 Inspector General jobs?
Catherine Leahy Scott has been appointed
1) Workers’ Compensation Fraud Inspector General,
2) Acting Welfare Inspector General
3) New York State Inspector General,
to which she was recently reappointed.
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: do you ‘see’ anything wrong with one person ‘having and holding’
3 Inspector General jobs?
Q2: does she receive 3 Inspector General salaries?
Q3: don’t we Taxpayers! (who are also complainanTs) deserve
better = 3 individuals?
Q4: couldn’t NYS governor + NYS senate find 3 [ethical +
competent] individuals?
Q5: don’t NYS governor + NYS senate know 3 [ethical +
competent] individuals?
5 = a hand
Trust but Verify
TimboGoldenJul 21, 2016
Sometimes promise and threat arrive together.
- Richard Tonowski, Chief Psychologist EEOC
TimboGoldenJul 21, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: should not every person in America be Informed
(in History of EEOC Budget and Staffing + Ethics)?
Q: should not every person in America be Educated
(in History of EEOC Budget and Staffing + Ethics)?
Q: should not every person in America be Smart
(in History of EEOC Budget and Staffing + Ethics)?
Q: should not all voters in America be Taught and Tested
(in History of EEOC Budget and Staffing + Ethics)
U.S. Department of Justice,
think of (t)HIS as Continuing Education for voters
in other words
think of (t)HIS as a road Test for people who want to (not drive) vote!
(every 4 years)
(to renew
your license to vote)
TimboGoldenJul 21, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: how much money have y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] invested
in the EEOC over 50 years (to eradicate workplace discrimination)?
A: $10 billion
Q: how much money have y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] sunk
into 1 warship (since 2009)?
A: $12.9 billion
arrest them!
_______________________[yoo-hoo] [yoo-hoo]
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government were created
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?
Q2: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?
TimboGoldenJul 21, 2016
VA scandal vs EEOC case dumping scandal 2001–2017
U.S. Department of Justice,
tell all Chair Earps (t)HIS:
you are not pro-woman
if you do not desire to ‘see’ every woman’s complainT investigated
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
The EEOC’s leadership will soon meet with (their MAKER? not yet)
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to get approval
for its 2009 Congressional budget request.
Gabrielle Martin, President of the National Council of EEOC Locals,
№216, is imploring EEOC Chair Naomi Earp to “tell it like it is”
when she seeks next year’s budget.
“EEOC has sky- high backlogs,” Martin says.
In a bizarre move,
for 2007, EEOC asked for a $4 million budget cut
“Chair Earp may think that she earns high marks
when she doesn’t ask the administration for adequate resources, but America’s workers (women! workers) are the ones who suffer
from EEOC’s failing performance.”
Trust but Verify
Senator MIKULSKI. Do you need more people? Or are you —
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) — listen,
we’re not trying to embarrass you, please.
Are you OMB embargoed and can’t tell me that?
Ms. EARP. Yes, ma’am.
Trust but Verify
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is the largest office
within the Executive Office of the President (EOP).
OMB’s most prominent function is to produce the President’s Budget
The current OMB Director is Shaun Donovan
The OMB Director reports to the President
TimboGoldenJul 21, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress + EEOC] pro-woman?
A: nyet!
Fact1: if y’all were pro-woman
then y’all would investigate every woman’s complainT
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
Fact2: if y’all were pro-woman
then y’all would play a modern day Robin Hood =
1) take $9.99 billion from the rich [Pentagon budget]
2) give $9.99 billion to the poor {EEOC + EPA + EBSA + budgets]
3) hire Bill (not Clinton not Cosby) Bratton to be EEOC chair
4) let him hire 5000 qualified (ethical + competent) investigators
5) let G-D watch workplace discrimination become a thing (sin) of the past
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact1: I said to one of my daughters, “Lily! women are not pro-woman
unless she desires to ‘see’ every woman’s complainT investigated
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
Fact2: my daughter Lily said, “dad! you’re like the ultimate feminisT
TimboGoldenJul 21, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate “in good faith” 100,000 complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner 100,000 complainTs/yr?
Trust but Verify
page 30 Chart 2 EEOC investigators assigned
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: what’s the difference
between TimGolden vs Timothy Golden ?
A: 1 1/2 years (duh!)
TimGolden 4(e!) minutes ago
to all U.S. legislators,
if you want (desire) to help millions of girls and women
now and in the future
then make law!
Lily’s Law: 21 to buy laxatives; keep laxatives behind counter
so(w!) THAT
kids don’t steal laxatives!
laxatives are addictive and do cause serious internal injuries
to all U.S. legislators,
don’t tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
if you are unwilling to show us THAT
‘tell and show’
to all U.S. legislators,
if you tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
then you show us THAT
by(e bye) you doing your best to(o) make Lily’s Law law
Timothy Golden Nov 17, 2014
to all U.S. legislators,
if you want (desire) to help millions of girls and women
now and in the future
then make law!
Lily’s Law: 21 to buy laxatives; keep laxatives behind counter
so(w!) THAT
kids don’t steal laxatives!
laxatives are addictive and do cause serious internal injuries
to all U.S. legislators,
don’t tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
if you are unwilling to show us THAT
‘tell and show’
to all U.S. legislators,
if you tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
then you show us THAT
by(e bye) you doing your best to(o) make Lily’s Law law
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
[yoo-hoo] [yoo-hoo]
U.S. Department of Justice,
come out, come out, wherever you are
let’s go fishing!
on G-D’S web
for(e!): Catherine Leahy Scott has been appointed
1) Workers’ Compensation Fraud Inspector General,
a position she will hold in addition to her role as
2) Acting Welfare Inspector General and
3) New York State Inspector General,
to which she was recently reappointed.
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: do you ‘see’ anything wrong with one person
‘having and holding’ 3 Inspector General jobs?
Q2: does she receive 3 Inspector General salaries?
Q3: don’t we Taxpayers! (who are also complainanTs) deserve better = 3 individuals?
Q4: couldn’t NYS governor + NYS senate find 3 [ethical + competent] individuals?
Q5: don’t NYS governor + NYS senate know 3 [ethical + competent] individuals?
5 = a (spanking or thanking) hand
chew! chew!
Happy Mother’s Month!
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
Timothy Golden Shared publicly — May 5, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I have been waiting 3 days and 3 nights for NY EBSA +
Senior Benefits Advisor Manny Villegas to(o) call ‘me back’
Fact: He broke up with me [HE HE HE] by(e bye) email?
E-mail request from US Department of Labor
May 5, 2016 10:50 AM
Re: Our File# 201630–10265
Dear Timothy J. Golden:
we are unable to pursue any further action
we have considered the matter closed
no further action will be taken.
Manuel Villegas, Jr.
Senior Benefits Advisor
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
Timothy Golden Shared publicly — 5/5/2016 9:24 AM
U.S. Department of Justice,
To resolve a complaint informally the Benefits Advisor is required to
1) contact the plan sponsor and
2) conduct an analysis of the facts and circumstances related
to the complaint,
3) research the law, and
4(e!) review information provided by both the plan sponsor and participant before determining the validity of the complaint
Trust but Verify
chew! chew!
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
Timothy Golden Shared publicly — 5/5/2016 8:28 AM
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: name the federal law enforcement organization with a budget
so small that it is smaller than the EEOC?
A: (not OSHA) EBSA!
Trust but Verify
shame! shame! shame! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
Timothy Golden Shared publicly — 5/4/2016 7:46 AM
It is the policy of EBSA to provide the highest quality of service
to its customers (who are also Taxpayers!).
If you telephone our office, you can expect
1) A friendly, courteous voice
2) A return call ‘no later than’ the end of the next business day =
within 24 hours?
If you write our office, you can expect
1) A written reply within 30 days after we receive your letter
2) A clear, easy to understand response to your letter
You will always receive straightforward information
on how the law applies to your circumstances,
information about options that may be available,
respect for your privacy
the name of the EBSA employee assisting you.
Trust but Verify
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
Timothy Golden Shared publicly — 5/10/2016 1:14 PM
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: In FY 2015, EBSA Benefits Advisors closed 201,894
participant inquiries/complaints
Q: how did 120 EBSA Benefits Advisors close 201,894
participant inquiries/complaints “in good faith” in FY 2015 alone?
Trust but Verify
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
When EBSA receives a health benefits or compliance inquiry,
trained Benefits Advisors effectively use
1) fact-finding techniques
2) their knowledge of the law to determine the nature of the inquiry
3) provide a response and/or informal dispute resolution if needed.
- Phyllis C. Borzi
Assistant Secretary of Labor, EBSA
November 20, 2013
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
When a worker was getting the runaround
a Benefits Advisor was able to take action
- Phyllis Borzi
April 4, 2012
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
[yoo-hoo] [yoo-hoo]
U.S. Department of Justice,
True or False:
1) EBSA employs roughly 250 people in Washington, D.C.,
and 750 other people nationwide
2) EBSA employs 120 Benefits Advisors
3) EBSA investigations begin when a plan participant (like me)
reaches out to the agency (NY EBSA)
with a question regarding their particular plan
4(e!) Questions are referred to one of EBSA’s 120 Benefits Advisors
5!) Borzi said that roughly 220,000 complaints were resolved informally
by(e bye) 120 Benefits Advisors in 2012.
Trust but Verify
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: how did 120 Benefits Advisors resolve roughly
220,000 complainTs “in good faith” in 2012 alone?
Q2: are not Benefits Advisors required to call back complainanTs
(who are also Taxpayers!) within 24 hours?
Q3: why didn’t NY EBSA Senior Benefits Advisor Manny Villegas call ‘me back’ within 24 hours?
Fact: Instead of interviewing me; he (NY EBSA Senior Benefits Advisor Manny Villegas) sent me an email (3 days later) notifying me that
he was closing my complainT and case?
Q4(e!): how could NY EBSA Senior Benefits Advisor Manny Villegas
close my complainT and case without first interviewing me?
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: why should you bug each EBSA and EEOC office?
A: we Taxpayers! (who are also complainanTs!) want to know
what are they thinking + what are they doing
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: do y’all know HIPAA like I know HIPAA?
Q2: what’s my PHI (Protected Health Information)?
Q3: what’s the difference between yesterday vs today?
Fact 1: yesterday was Friday the 13th.
Fact 2: yesterday my maillady gave my wife the mail:
Fact 3: one letter was from my doctor Dr. Lippe.
Fact 4: my doctor Dr. Lippe sent me that letter on April 29, 2016
Fact 5: it took the USPS 2 weeks to get me his letter (my PHI)
Fact 6: parts of the letter were ‘blacked out’
Fact 7: the letter was stamped OPENED IN ERROR
Fact 8: I asked my maillady, “who opened my mail IN ERROR?”
she said, “I didn’t”
Fact 9: I went into my USPS holding up Dr. Lippe’s letter + my PHI,
“who opened my mail (which contains my PHI) IN ERROR?”
they said, “we didn’t”
they said, “it may have happened at the Melville Processing Center”
Fact 10: I said,
“why would Melville hold up my mail (my PHI) for 2 weeks?
“why would Melville stamp my mail OPENED IN ERROR?”
Fact: today I handed my maillady a bag filled with (not cash) cans!
for(e!) the USPS ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ food drive
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: said EBSA Assistant Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi. “The new
Web page and electronic inquiry/complaint process will provide
1) quick answers to the most frequently asked questions
2) connect workers to experienced benefits advisers
if assistance is needed.”
Fact: EBSA receives more than 200,000 inquiries/complainTs/yr
Fact: EBSA employs only 120 Benefits Advisors
Q1: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Spanish?
Q2: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Chinese?
Q3: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Russian?
Q4: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Arabic?
Q5: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Korean?
Q6: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Punjabi and Hindi?
Q7: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Vietnamese?
Q8: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in French?
Q9: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in Hebrew and Yiddish?
Q10: how many Benefits Advisors are fluent in G-D (righting wrongs)?
U.S. Department of Justice,
to NY EBSA relay (t)HIS message:
1) ask fiduciary MetLife Disability:
can Verizon accommodate my work restrictions?
2) ask fiduciary MetLife Disability:
since 9/1/2015 how many times have you reached out to Verizon?
3) ask fiduciary MetLife Disability,
has Verizon ever discussed with you (MetLife Disability)
a reasonable accommodation for T im Golden
in 2010? (yes or no)
in 2011? (yes or no)
in 2012? (yes or no)
in 2013? (yes or no)
in 2014? (yes or no)
in 2015? (yes or no)
in 2016? (yes or no)
a) answer all questions (in writing) promptly (within 2 weeks!)
b) sign
c) mail document to T im Golden (within 2 weeks!)
bro(t)her! now (nunc) you know G-D’S ABCs and 123s
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
bro(t)her! to some G-D’S Words will sound as if HE is! spanking you
bro(t)her! to some G-D’S Words will sound as if HE is! thanking you
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Investigate! NY EEOC
1) misconduct and/or mismanagement
2) dereliction of duty
3) failing to “amend” my disability discrimination complaint(s)
4) failing to investigate my disability discrimination complaint(s)
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
whatcha doin’?
let’s go fishing!
on G-D’S web
for(e!): The court makes no bones about it —
employers are required to engage in the interactive process.
Thus, an employer neglects (or refuses) to
engage in the interactive process at its own peril.
Although the court did not hold that there is an independent claim
for failure to engage in the interactive process,
the actual consequences are just as severe.
The failure to participate in the interactive process “in good faith”
deprives the employer of its immunity from damages
for failure to reasonably accommodate an employee.
1) Generally, if an employer fails to provide an employee with
a reasonable accommodation, that employee can recover damages.
2) However, if the employer engages in the interactive process
“in good faith”, that employer will be immune from damages.
More significant is the ruling in Barnett that
an employer failing to engage in the interactive process cannot obtain
Summary Judgment, meaning that
the case cannot be quickly decided by the court,
but has to be decided by a jury trial.
As an employer, you can greatly reduce the risk of ADA liability by(e bye)
engaging in the interactive process “in good faith”.
chew! chew!
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: EEOC receives more than 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs less than 666 EEOC investigators
Q1: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Spanish?
Q2: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Chinese?
Q3: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Russian?
Q4: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Arabic?
Q5: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Korean?
Q6: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Punjabi and Hindi?
Q7: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Vietnamese?
Q8: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in French?
Q9: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Hebrew and Yiddish?
Q10: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in G-D (righting wrongs)?
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
I can can’t you find (not Waldo) G-D!
in song and in dance;
in math and in science;
in looks and in books
U.S. Department of Justice,
I found G-D!
in The Psychic Side of Sports
by Rhea A. White and Michael Murphy
G-D in sports
U.S. Department of Justice,
I can can’t you ‘see and hear’ G-D
in Louie Armstrong
(bro(t)her! watch ‘What a Wonderful World’)
U.S. Department of Justice,
I can can’t you ‘see and hear’ G-D
in Anne Frank
(bro(t)her! read ‘Anne Frank’)
TimboGoldenMay 16, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more people are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate and amend “in good faith” =
in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner 100,000 complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate and amend “in good faith” =
in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner 100,000 complainTs/yr?
Q: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] perpetrating
Fraud! (which is sin)
Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] pro-CHRIST or
Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] pro-complainanT or
Fact: y’all can prove THAT y’all are pro-CHRIST by(e bye) y’all
1) take $9.99 billion from the rich (Pentagon budget)
2) give $9.99 billion to the poor (EEOC + EBSA + OSHA budgets)
3) hire Bill (not Clinton) Bratton to be EEOC chair
4) let him hire 5000 [competent + ethical] investigators (retired cops)
5) let G-D watch workplace discrimination become a thing (sin) of the past
I fed God’s Mail (300 posts) to Hezi Ari and Yonkers Tribune (in 2014)
Q: where’s G-D’S Mail?
A) check YonkersTribune’s (not phone) server
B) interview all (cavemen) involved
C) repent! [by(e) apologizing in writing and by(e) putting G-D’S Mail back]
in other words
little pigs! little pigs!
let G-D in
I will [start releasing one page at a Time; (t)HIS page is page 11 of 38)
TimGolden • 4 years ago Saturday, October 25, 2014
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for GOD!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for GOD!