Don’t hate stray cats; feed stray cats Don’t hate cavemen; educate cavemen — TimboGolden Feb 12, 2017

2 min readFeb 12, 2017


don’t hate cavemen; educate cavemen

TimGolden6 years ago

bro(t)her! do you ‘see and hear’ yourself behaving more and more like a caveman or CHRIST
bro(t)her! do you ‘see and hear’ yourself behaving more and more like a savage or SAVIOUR
bro(t)her! do you ‘see and hear’ yourself behaving more and more like a monkey or MESSIAH

TimGolden6 years ago

bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!

TimGolden6 years ago

to all U.S. legislators,
if you want (desire) to help millions of girls and women
now and in the future
then make law!
Lily’s Law: 21 to buy laxatives; keep laxatives behind counter
so(w!) THAT
kids don’t steal laxatives!
laxatives are addictive and do cause serious internal injuries
to all U.S. legislators,
don’t tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
if you are unwilling to show us THAT
‘tell and show’
to all U.S. legislators,
if you tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
then show us THAT
(by you doing your best to(o) make Lily’s Law law)

TimGolden6 years ago

bro(t)her! are you G-D’S
friend or foe


Fact: Edison was born (2500 years) after Gautama
Q: was Edison as (Celestially) smart?
A: k no! w (himsa vs ahimsa)


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else




Written by TimboGolden

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot Putgate and Heightgate yet?

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