Dear NY FBI, Xi mentions Marx many times in his speech;
why didn’t Xi mention (praise) Confucius and Lao-Tze?
Dear NY FBI, were not Confucius and Lao-Tze Types of CHRIST?
in other words
in other words
in other words
Types of CHRIST
U.S. Department of Justice,
come out, come out, wherever you are
G-D wants y’all to(o)
‘take and drink’ (t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T orah:
Q1: were not Abraham and Moses and Isaiah
Types of CHRIST?
Q2: were not Job and Joseph and Jeremiah
Types of CHRIST?
Q3: were not Krishna and Caitanya and Ramakrishna
Types of CHRIST?
Q4: were not Socrates and Plato and Aristotle
Types of CHRIST?
Q5: were/are not there many women here who were/are
Types of CHRIST?
Mary Dyer and nun Dorothy Stang and judge Patricia Acioli
took more than a bullet for G-D!
when she and she and she did something to(o)
‘confront and rebuke’ dumb minds
5 = a hand
sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]
chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]
do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]
or else